Sunday 16 October 2011

Ponds & Waterfalls - Water Living

!±8± Ponds & Waterfalls - Water Living

We can't live without it. Water is the very source of life That is why we are so strongly attracted to it. Maybe because we cannot live more than a few days without water, we want to have it close by. Most people would like to live next to it, whether in the form of a stream, river, lake or ocean.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough bodies of water to go around for everybody, even for those who can afford living near them. The price of beach front property reflects the fact that it is scarce and in high demand. Even for those fortunate enough to own such property, there is a major trade-off and a good share of disadvantages.

Who wouldn't like to have a water garden on their property, or a flower and vegetable garden, or even a wonderful orchard with oranges, apples, plums, peaches, lemons and avocado? Maybe a corral with a horse or two. So much for thinking about a garden with most ocean front property. You're lucky if you have enough land to be able to walk between the houses!

We can now see why water gardens with waterfalls and ponds are becoming so popular. If you can't take your home to the water, just bring the water to your home!

Why is it so peaceful, yet still invigorating at the beach? Is it the sight or sound of the ocean waves, the smell of the salt water? You may be surprised to discover that the actual feelings of peace, relaxation, stress, and anxiety release has little to do with the sight or sounds or smell of the ocean. Extensive research has shown that moving water puts additional negative ions into the air. Breathing this supercharged air has an extremely positive effect on our body. The ocean creates the greatest quantity of negative ions of all moving water.

Therefore, it has the most beneficial effects on our moods while drawing the largest crowds. For the same reason, waterfalls create such pleasant and relaxing environments. You have probably noticed how wonderful the air smells and feels just prior to, during and after a rain storm - again negative ions.

For a fraction of the cost of ocean or lake front living, almost every homeowner can reap the benefits of a waterfall and pond in their back yard. Ranging from an atmosphere of intimacy to one of grandeur, it's whatever the budget can endure. Virtually everyone can own a portion of the best that nature has to offer. There are as many different varieties, shapes and sizes of waterfalls as there are rocks. Consequently, with a pond design of your choice, no two ever look the same and they provide a natural individuality for each homeowner.

Waterfalls can cascade into koi ponds, a stream, swimming pool, spa or simply spill through a rock-covered grate into a subterranean catch basin, from where it gets pumped and recirculated. This type of backyard pond design is great for someone with small children, since it eliminates the need for a hazardous pond. It's also perfect for someone with a very small yard or for those looking for little or no maintenance.

The soil removed in excavating a pond can be utilized to create a mound or berm to provide elevation for a cascade. A waterfall can pass through terraced retaining walls on its way down to a pond at ground level. By passing through rather than over the top, it will give the impression that the waterfall always existed and the retaining wall was constructed later on either side.

A backyard pond not only provides allure and charm to your property, it is as though you own a part of the Discovery Channel. The pond's occupants provide a never-ending and forever changing source of entertainment and education. From the antics of a pair of acrobatic turtles to the male crayfish, claws clashing and gnashing over the prize of a fair lady, each day becomes a new chapter in the life of your pond. Are you the type that might say, "I don't ever want to own fish!" and then eventually end up with several, even giving them all names? I've seen this happen over and over again, because pond owners become personally attached to the inhabitants of their water garden pond as if they were family members or pets.

At night a well-designed backyard pond becomes a whole new adventure, especially if you have built-in lighting. The cascading, splashing water against the lights create an amazing symphony of light and sound. Dancing light reflected on the surrounding rocks, plants, fence or house becomes hypnotic and mesmerizing. Most people only experience this atmosphere at expensive hotels or resorts. Now you can own the same experience in your own back yard..

If you are considering a water feature as an investment in your property, may I add several words of caution. Down the road, these may save you the heartache, sorrow and aggravation of dirty, murky, green, smelly water, sick or dead fish, leaky pond or waterfall, or high maintenance and energy costs:

1. Take your time.

2. Plan it out.

3. Research the subject thoroughly.

4. Seek out an expert in the field. A few years of experience are important.

5. Make sure the expert is licensed and bonded.

6. Accept only concrete and steel rebar construction. Never use a pond liner. Proponents of pond liners will claim there is a 40 or 50 year warranty on the liner. Not true! It's only true if you leave the pond liner in the box. It would work only in a perfect world - where there were no gophers, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, tree roots, sharp rocks, pebbles or other such objects. Once you have a hole, it is impossible to find. Even a pin-hole will allow 5 gallons of water per day to pass.

7. Do not use submersible pumps. They are inefficient and expensive to operate and are difficult to maintain. Debris collects in them, requiring frequent cleaning. Submersibles can leak oil that may kill the pond inhabitants or, worse, short out and create a shock hazard.

8. Use a biological filter to help eliminate nitrates and nitrites from the water. (I recommend a pressurized back-flushable filter, not a gravity flow.)

9. Install a skimmer for removal of surface leaves and debris.

10. Use two anti-vortex drains on the bottom of the pond for suction line to prevent whirlpools and fish or turtles from being sucked into the drain.

11. Make sure your pond is a minimum of three feet deep to regulate water temperature in the summer months and to discourage herons and raccoons from dining out.

12. Build caves and ledges for turtles and fish to hide in.

13. Install an ultraviolet light to kill bacteria that cause smells and pathogens that kill fish and algae spores that create green water.

14. Do not use mechanical auto-fill valves; only use an electronic one like the AquaFill System. It does not stick or malfunction - thus preventing pond overflow and dead fish from chlorine poisoning.

15. Use plenty of water plants in the falls and pond. They provide extra oxygen and food for the fish and act as natural filters, utilizing the nitrate nitrogen in the water.

16. Use a high-efficiency, out-of-pond pump that conserves energy. By operating it 24 hours a day, a high-quality biofilter (such as one made by Aqua Ultra Violet) will receive a continuous flow of oxygenated water, which the anaerobic bacteria require in order to live. The bacteria are essential for breaking down hydrocarbons, nitrates and nitrites in the water.

17. Make sure you have proper drainage around the pond and waterfall so run-off from the rain storms does not enter the pond and contaminate it with silt, fertilizer, pesticides, etc.

18. Learn basic pond maintenance. (An ounce of prevention is worth a pond cure.)

When I say "everyone should have a waterfall," I'm not simply promoting my life's passion. Considering how much enjoyment a water garden and waterfall can give you, dollar for dollar, cubic foot for cubic foot, hour for hour, it is your best buy for many long, healthy and happy years to come.

From my experience with hundreds of pond owners in the San Diego area, I have discovered that the money spent on a well designed garden pond and waterfall will surely bring you more long term pleasure and joy than anything you ever purchased in your life.

Living is not truly living without water.

Ponds & Waterfalls - Water Living

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Monday 10 October 2011

Spanish Property - From Adosados to Villas

!±8± Spanish Property - From Adosados to Villas

Spanish property, paticularly along the Mediterranean coast, is quite different from that of Northern Europe - however, these are the main types with their respective pros and cons:

ADOSADO Adosados are modern terraced houses which can normally be found on the outskirts of Spanish towns. They normally have a ground floor area that is a huge garage/storage area. The main accommodation is on the 1st and 2nd floors with the kitchen, a bathroom and living room with balcony on the 1st floor and the bedrooms and further bathrooms on the 2nd floor. The properties are often surprisingly light and attractive inside - however ouside space is frequently limited to a roof terrace or small courtyard.

Note: This type of Spanish property is a great advance upon old town houses but Adosados lack character and, amazingly, have little useable outside space - so most North Europeans find any possibility of an al fresco lifestyle well nigh impossible.

APARTAMENTO This is a flat on the beach front and should not be confused with a piso (see below), although the construction can be identical. So, if you want a flat on the beach front always ask for an apartamento. Apartamentos can vary considerably, depending upon when they were built, but most new ones will have 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen (sometimes American style), a reception room, small hallway and a balcony.

Note: Apartamentos are meant for holidays and generally do not have central heating, although they normally have air conditioning (hot and cold). Be aware that in winter all the amenities around you may close and some holiday blocks are almost deserted out of season.

CASA DE PUEBLO This is one of the most common forms of property in Spain and is a town house. These are invariably very old, terraced houses with almost no outside space. Casas de Pueblo vary from tiny single fronted properties to huge double fronted houses with interior garages.

Note: To reform a casa de pueblo can be very committing and many builders 'drop' the interior and effectively reconstruct the house they are modernising. After hundreds of years, all the services need replacing and further light introducing into houses that are often naturally dark. Parking can also be a major problem and you should be wary about buying a casa de pueblo - unless it has dedicated parking and a good sized, ground floor courtyard for al fresco use.

CASITA This is often (but not always) a single storey property that was erected as a 'summer' house by the Spanish. Most casitas are pretty basic and were often constructed without an architect and were probably self-built. Internally, they generally comprise a small kitchen, 3 plus small bedrooms and a bathroom - all leading off from the reception room. The latter is normally entered straight from the front door (i.e. there is no hallway) - outside of which there is an open sided naya with a roof. There will a garden which can vary from around 1,000 m2 to 3,000m2

Note: Unless a casita has been very substantially reformed, it will lack central heating, damp proofing and thermally insulated walls. This type of property in Spain may also be illegal or subject to a future urbanisation project - so beware of some potentially very high future liabilities. Furthermore, casitas may lack, mains electricty and landline telephones. Water may also not be drinkable (aqua potable). A Casita may have a swimming pool - but do not confuse this with a reformed water deposito that lacks a pump and filter system.

DUPLEX This is a flat on two stories, normally the last two floors of a building. They are normally very desirable and can be luxurious. Often they have a very large roof terrace.

Note: As always, the actual location of the block of flats will be vital - so particularly look to buy where there will be all year round activity.

FINCA This is a farmhouse, which will normally have land attached. This type of Spanish property is normally very old and, unless it has been reformed, needs very serious work to modernise it to modern standards. Like most old buildings fincas are a compromise between charm and constant maintenance. Good, reasonably priced fincas near coastal Spain are surprisingly hard to find and, once reformed, fetch excellent prices. The term finca can also be used to denote a block of flats (i.e the building itself)

Note: Due to their age, fincas are normally fully legal. However, they can sometimes prove to be awkward to buy from Spanish property owners, where many members of a given family can have rights to the property. Be careful of any future possibility of urbanisation projects - although these can sometimes be greatly to your financial advantage.

MASIA A masia is a very large country mansion, generally with many farm outbuildings. They were the homes of major landowners and often have landscaped grounds and impressive entrance drives. This sort of property in Spain can be vast and sometimes has 30 - 40 rooms and substantial land.

Note: Old, unreformed masias require terrific amounts of reformation and will absorb huge amounts of money. They can be ideal for conversion to hotels or residential centres

PISO A piso is a permanently lived-in flat (as opposed to a holiday flat). They come in all shapes and sizes from tiny studio flats to 200m2 luxury homes and are found in all villages and towns. Not all have lifts - but avoid the ones that do not, as they are difficult to re-sell. Equally, having a dedicated parking space is essential

Note: Piso's can be very noisy because the sound proofing of property in Spain is often deficient. Before buying a piso, check the maintenance/communal costs, which can vary considerably.

VILLA A villa is a substantial Spanish property that has been built and designed for all year round living. It is a detached house, sometimes on three floors, that often has a swimming pool. Normally, it has been built within the last thirty years - with most constructed over the last ten years or so during the Spanish property boom. The quality and size of villas varies considerably, although the basic specification will be 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, reception room, covered terrace and swimming pool. Many villas also have an underbuild area that can, subject to licencing, be developed into further accommodation.

NOTE: Wherever possible, make sure that you buy a villa that is urbano and fully urbanised and use a surveyor to check the property - particularly if it has been built on a hillside.

Spanish Property - From Adosados to Villas

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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Koi Pond & Waterfall - Top 22 most frequently asked questions answered

!±8± Koi Pond & Waterfall - Top 22 most frequently asked questions answered

D. What is the optimal depth for a koi pond?

A In my experience of over 25 years is 4 to 5 feet is ideal. You need a minimum of 3 feet for koi fish for several reasons. Security for fish from wading cranes can not wading in 3 feet of water. In addition, the water temperature in shallow ponds fluctuates too much with changes in ambient temperature. The greater the volume of water, the longer it takes to change the temperature. Hot water or temperature changes are unhealthy forFish.

Question: What is the ideal size for a pond?

A. The ideal size would be determined by the size of your garden. Its size should be proportional to the size of the yard. In addition, the higher the lake, the greater the maintenance.

D. What is your opinion on the use of a liner pond, instead of a hard concrete molded or a construct.

A. My recommendation is and has always been a specific use. However to do when you're on a tight budget or do not plan to live there for a long periodPeriod of time would be recommended to use a liner. In this case you would need a thin layer of mortar between the liner and soil into the roots of the trees, squirrels, rats, mice, squirrels, squirrels, or compromise the coating to prevent. The hard molded plastic preformed ponds are brittle from UV rays in a few years. Not good!

D. What type of pond filter do you recommend?

A, which can not be answered, simply because so many factors involved. Do you have an existingPond with a submersible pump or surface? What is the volume of the pond? Do you have fish, and if so, how? What size hydraulic hose is used? This is so involved, I devoted an entire chapter in my instructions in this topic. I have a 8000 gallons of above ground pond with a biological filter pump pressure and heel. It takes 2 minutes to return with a wire handle and keep my pond crystal clear.

Q I'm hanging on tons of algae from the rocksin my fall and grows in clumps in your hand. What can I do to get rid of it?

A. When Polynesians settled in Hawaii, 300-600 AD, were probably very different from the aggressive, wild taro plants penetrating, as it is angry your algae. They tried to make it burn, they stamp, but without success. It 'just came back, I eat and still today. In fact, it is a staple food such as peanut butter is to some Americans. Just kidding! However, if you told me it wasI would suggest to eat watercress. Many stores will try to sell you a pool algaecide very expensive to solve the problem, but all you have to do is increase the salinity of the water. Some experts recommend one pound of salt to 100 gallons of water. This will not hurt your fish, in fact, help produce a healthy coat shine. However, it is most of your plants if you apply the dose to once a silver lining. Furthermore, decomposing the dead algae and consume oxygen andDamage the fish. Apply slowly over a week or two, and be patient. It takes more time to kill in this way, but the fish will appreciate it! This theme is also a chapter in my instructions.

Q Should I adjust the salt in my pond?

A If you maintain a specific weight of 1,000, your fish are less susceptible to ulcers and fin rot. It will keep the algae out of control.

IQ checked on building a waterfall between my house and myNeighbors against the fence. It will be the sound of waterfalls are angry, when I run it 24 hours a day?

A. The sound produced by a waterfall, white noise, which is very relaxing and calming, not called disturbing. I have several hundred customers who leave their fall runs 24 / 7 and no one has ever complained of a neighbor. In fact, everyone appreciates the fact that they spend the money to enjoy the sound.

D. How many koi can I put in my pond?

At the heightfield could be 150-250 gallons per fish. If you start with small 6 "to 8" long koi can reach 2 meters in three years, depending on how much food to feed and how often. You could also grow to over 3 feet long! The overcrowding of the fish creates stress and a lot of waste. It may be the health of the fish and lead to various diseases. Even a less crowded lake is considered pleasant.

Q Do I need a filter in my pond?

Failure of aCase. If the pond is small, and do not have any guppies or mosquito fish and plants enough water for 1 / 3 to "your pond is, clean the pool themselves through the nitrogen cycle. The biological aspects of the chemistry is good in my waterfall pond cover and instructions.

D. How long live koi carp?

R. The average duration of koi in Japan is 70 years. Some have been known to live to 100 or more, as the legendary Hanako, who supposedly lived for more than 200Years. Unlike the surprising results of the meticulous care of the Japanese give their koi, koi American live a fraction of that time, the environment typically due to neglect and lack of care or proper.

Q How can my koi from predators?

A: Sorry, the majority of people who come to me frustrated people who already have a pond or lake rather poorly planned. If the pond is shallow, less than 3 meters, or has a lower part, the raccoons, coyotes, cranes, herons, etc. for easy accessTheir fish. You may think your fish are safe because you have a deep end for the fish to retreat. Well, you and your fish are dead wrong. A crane will remain perfectly still for 10 to 20 minutes waiting for the koi to forget that he is there. Some throwing chum in the deep pond, which attracts the fish to the surface. The only solution is a network, or try the statue crane, scarecrow, or high-frequency sound for small animals. However, one of my clients has seen a crane next to his landCrane statue. While the Scarecrow was the door with a stream of water, grabbed one of their prize koi.

A child-proof pond is about 3 meters in diameter and has a raised deck 13 "minimum above the water around the pond. Raccoons can not swim and fish at the same time, and they or the birds will not be able to enjoy water to reach.

QI would like to have a koi pond, but I live in Michigan, and frozen ponds and lakes every year. Will they survive?

There is a fishin these lakes you are talking about: Blue Gill, bass, sunfish, carp, and all survive. And you know what? Koi carp family are. Koi were originally collected for food in Japan. They cultivate rice in summer and flooding of rice fields and raise koi in the winter, cutting holes in the ice to try to catch them for food. However, you need 6 meters deep and the pond 4 'to ensure the water remains at about 40 ° down. Turn off the waterfall and pull bottom drain, the water in the skimmerkeep the bottom again. City swimming pool solar blankets on the surface. If the pond is deep enough, you can also freeze. However, it is necessary to keep a horse heater tank opened a hole in the ice to gas leak of ammonia from decomposing detritus on the floor can be installed. If your pond is less than 4 'feet deep, remove the indoor koi for the winter and put it in a garage or underground tank.

Q Can I Koi and goldfish together?

R. Yes you can. They are both coldWater fish and the members of the carp family. Most of the other cold water fish can also swim together as Shubunkin, rudd, ide, blue gill, mosquito fish, guppies, sunfish, bass, etc. However, only in deep pools, where the average temperature is 65 degrees or less on the bottom for bass, sunfish and blue gills.

Q If my pond have a floor drain?

A. First, a floor drain is essential for a healthy pond. However, when it is exposed and the suction is strong enough, turtles or fishcan get stuck there and not be able to pull off. Therefore, two drains must be connected in series in order to relieve the pressure between them, as in a swimming pool. Waste streams below draw from the fish before it reaches the ground, but keep it clean. Areas in which it is built, it can be washed into drains for easy cleaning. If you have a submersible pump or pull water from a skimmer, the water does not circulate properly in the bottom of the pond. That's where the decomposing debrisproduces ammonia and other toxic gases.

Q My pond is very clear, but my fish are dying. What's wrong?

A drinking water might taste good, smell good and seeing clearly. But some of the most toxic chemicals known to cause cancer are colorless, odorless and tasteless. I suggest you buy a test kit to save a pond and check the water regularly. Nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are harmful to fish. Ammonia and nitrite can be lethal at high levels,Fish. These substances are dissolved in water and therefore can not be detected by the crystal clear water and can break the immune system of fish.

D. What type of filter do you recommend?

A pool of more than 1000 liters, I recommend a pressurized biological bead filters can be washed again. I used Aqua Ultraviolet Ultima II Filter for years. The bear most of the pond's largest suppliers. The filters range from 1,000 liters to 10,000 liters. Up-flow andFilter drains are cleaned regularly, which is a dirty job. The media filter with a smelly, rotten and decaying fish waste pond scum packed. As the filter screens, media, cleaners, etc. around, I forget who eat white worms that are 1 / 16 "are long crawl on hands and arms to non-smokers. The smell of burning harmful to eyes and lungs mention.

It cost a few cents on the dollar to make, nor the dealer to pay a fortune. You pay the price for the filter and over timeit takes to maintain it you pay a premium for taking the time to care. With a pressure filter, it only cleaned with a handle 2 or 3 minutes and filter. The wastewater is not wasted not. You can water the plants above the exhaust pipe. If you can imagine, is that brown color, fetid water filled with nitrogen. It 'better than Miracle TM I grow my own Ultima II 6000 gallon for more than eight years now and have used it also works as a dayhas been installed. Happy, Happy Fish!

D. How much does an average cost of pool?

One thing is average? Depends if you're talking about a pond or a professional finish concrete and tin armor. A typical coating pond can cost 6 meters and 8 meters, and depending on who installed it could be between $ 2,500 and $ 3,500. The other dimensions are quite reasonable. Line ponds are prone to leaks from punctures, squirrels and rats, etc. concrete ponds in recent decades and theaverage cost of only 20% more than liner ponds.

Q My pond is green and I can not see my fish. What should I do?

Your challenge is algae (planktonic algae suspended) that are not directly harm the fish. However, the weeds are out of oxygen by photosynthesis during the day. But, unfortunately, it takes oxygen during the night. In addition, the view is unpleasant and the fish. They increase the salt content or install a UV light, which not only kills the spores of algae, butkills the bacteria that the cloud of water to get stinky and causes.

QI heard that UV light also kill the beneficial bacteria. Is this true?

A When I say "No", I cry many so-called expert professional liar. So I'll just then another. All positive bacteria such as aerobic or anaerobic pond bacteria, Nitrobacter, etc. are located in the filter or between the crumbling ruins on the bottom of the pond. You are not in circulation in the pond. Bacteria and algae containpathogenic diseases, and passing through the UV light, have been eliminated.

Q Do I need a waterfall for my pond?

A Without hesitation, YES! Absolutely. First of all, the waterfalls are beautiful. The sound is soothing and relaxing and the water moving over rocks produces negative ions, which are included in the air. How is an air of negative charge, relieves stress and anxiety. Falls of supplemental oxygen in the pond. Falls are a must!

IQinclude concrete pools penetrate the alkaline lake. Is this true?

A Yes and no. A poorly constructed concrete pond, but only to grow algae on the sides start. Even if the pool of 3500 psi concrete and coated with Thoro-seal. It is built, it is impossible for alkali leaching. In addition, mixing with the thinset mortar between the stones used to prevent leaching. There is a special formula for this.
D. What is the advantage of building a cascade of concreteand Malta?

AA is the main reason that the stone is malta in a safe place and prevents slippage of rocks, a serious accident, as a liner with a waterfall. Trust me, one day up to a few adventurous child on him. This is a manufacturing process.

Koi happy, peace and joy.

Koi Pond & Waterfall - Top 22 most frequently asked questions answered

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